
Searching For The Sun

Hadley phoned Ryan at the Fremont PCC. She was helping me to track down a copy of The Sun Magazine, by far the most worthwhile magazine I have chanced to lay eyes upon. Ryan said he would call back. So I waited next to the table stacked high with little plastic containers of organic ginger snaps, organics figs and organic peppermint sticks. If you were looking for an organic sugar overload you could find it right there on the little table just in front of the cash registers.

After a few minutes Hadley reappeared and told me that Ryan found a copy and that it was the only left in the store. On top of that Ryan (I was beginning to feel like I should know this Ryan guy) had examined the cover and noted that it was a bit “soiled” and as a result he wouldn’t sell it to me; he would give it to me. I'm stoked.

All I had to do to acquire this magnificent body of work was hop on my borrowed bicycle, glide past Greenlake, huff up two hills and cruise down Fremont Avenue. So with water spinning left, right and center from the tire channels I traveled past Getty Images, past one of Googles headquarters and into the bike rack at the Fremont branch.

Ryan Walker. That’s who I was looking for. I was ushered to the back of the store, the place where only employees could enter. I met a man hefting boxes on top of trolleys. He introduced himself. He thought I was a new hire. Ryan came in and led me to the front register where my perfectly new and unsoilt copy of The Sun awaited me.

The same Sun with a qoute on the cover that read, "The central conceit of this whole culture is that...the fish in the oceans are waiting there for us to catch them, that the trees in the forests stand ready for us to cut them down, that the animals in the zoo are there for us to be entertained by them." See Manifest Destiny.

I thanked him and asked if they were hiring. He handed me an application and told me to mention on the app that I bike. Over 85% of the employees rode bikes to and from work. I felt as if I already had the job.

Its good to be home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you yesterday. My sister was in town visiting fron Atlanta. I hope that you are doing well Corey

2:21 PM  

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